Kamis, 27 Desember 2007

trivia kusano

guw juga heran kenapa ya guw jadi ngenalin si kusano?huahaha
yaaa..buad Nae laah!!!


* Name: 草野博紀
* Name (romaji): Kusano Hironori
* Nicknames: Kusano, Notti or Kusano-kun
* Profession: Actor and singer
* Birthdate: 1988-Feb-15
* Birthplace: Kanagawa
* Height: 170cm
* Weight: 56kg
* Star sign: Aquarius
* Blood type: B
* Jpop group: K.K.Kity NewS, J2000,J-support
* Talent agency: Johnny's Entertainment
* Radio Show: NEWS Kick and Spin Muzik

Notti Facts

1. He entered Johnny's Entertainment on February 4,2001 at the age of 13.
2.As a Junior, he was a huge fan of Kamenashi Kazuya of KAT-TUN.
3. He loves girls who treat others nicely.
4. He is very ticklish.
5. He loves Curry Rice and Omuenrice. He hates bitter food, green peppers, eggplants and tomato.
6. His family consists of his parents, 2 Older Sisters, 1 Younger Sister
7. Currently Kusano is attending Hosei University, taking up Career Design and is now undergoing Practicum. ((arigatou minna!!)
8. The NEWS member he respects the most is Nishikido Ryo, he looks up to Yamapi the most.
9. He is making a comeback in PLAYZONE, Change2Chance
10. He loves Usher, Alicia Keys, Justin Timberlake and Beyonce
11. He is considerably the best english speaker in NEWS.
12.Kusano has been voted in several Japanese fan polls as 'The Jr. you would want most as a brother'.
13. He only appeared in one drama: Gekidan Engimono : Ie Ga tooi.
14. He has weird habits, like touching his nose a lot.
15. About his suspension, he voluntarily withdrew from the limelight after the tabloid showed a picture of him with an alchoholic drink in his hand. He said he was not guilty.
16.His dog is a mini daschund named Ricky
17. His close friends in the group include Koyama and Kato who he was in the group KKKity with and Tegoshi Yuya.
18. He is a very positive person, with a good heart. He always does the right thing no matter how difficult it is ~ Tegoshi Yuya.
19. He likes Dragon Ball Z and his favorite Character is Mr. Satan.
20. He entered the All Japan Baseball team when he was younger.
21. His IPOD is colored pink and white and has mostly western music.
22. He still believes in Santa Claus.
23. He has a large collection of clothes, since he loves to go shopping. His favorite brands include Fubu.
24. He answers his phone in english and tries to talk in english all the time.
25. He once admitted that he loves Koyama in a hypnotism exercise in Ya-ya-yah. In the same episode, he was also in love with Yabu.

Nae Kusano?!

NAE!!!!!!!!!eh fiona deng!!temen guw yg satu tu demen bgd ama kusano..
guw c no comment aja ya..*hahahaaha
yaa...guw tau dia dari news sih emang..hmm...
yaa...bener" no comment buat kusano XP XO
fiona!klu suka" aja!hahahaa

byk pikiran


akhir" ni...guw suka sering ngeluh sendiri,ugh...au kenapa ya?hmm"...
gejala" ga sehat x nih!!
guw jd gampang nyesel..kdang" gni,"aduh napa sih guw beli ini" "napa sih beli itu ini"
yaaa gitu d pdhl ga ada yg perlu dikhawatirin!!
hidup tu aga ga enak yaaa?
nyesel deh....
mana guw ga bisa beli apa yg guw inginin!!jadi mau cepet" kerja biar dpt pegangan nih!!!!wadooh!!
*gila duluan



hmmmh...udah pagi ni...jam 3.35!!!!!!huahahaha guw takut niiii ga tiduur tar sakit matalah apalaah..
tp guw lom ngantuk!toh ada sodara guw ni lg maen NBA apalah itu..pokoknya basket!
huahaha OL sendirian..nda ada lg makhluk yg bangun..
klu kata nykp guw ,"awaas jgn tdur malem" tar sakiiit"
eh..pagi,x ma!!!
iya ni..haduuuh"...guw tidur aja x ya?
penyakit" yg timbul klu ga tidur apa aja ya?? *ngeri mode on

lagi sukaaaaaa bgd ama ini orang!!!!!!Ueda tatsuya..ugh....kesel bgd...
abis denger solonya pieces itu!!!!!!!!!!!sediiih bgd...lagunya,jdi ikut kebawa suasana deh
kyknya drpd love in snow,mendingan pieces d...ga tau juga ya XP XP ehehe
guw donlod lagu nya ueda judulnya crazy love itu..itu,dinyanyiin dimana ya?masuk solonya ueda juga ga c??kok aga gimanaaaa..gitu??'put your hands up boro2" hahahahaaha~~
musiknya kayak taun 70an..!!hmmh...aga aneeh..
kenapa yaaa guw aga kurang sreg ama kakigoori??hmm...padahal mellow,bagus bgd tp..
pokoknya yg masih laku di pasaran guw tu...
sparking ama pieces XD XD


hari ini.......... fyuuuhh..da lama ngga kesiniii TT__TT abis nataaal...pada ngumpul di rumah sodara di daera mayestik..dempo laah..
rame" banged disana!guw aga..ga suka aja!hmm"..
abisnya berisik..pada triak"lah apalah,dunia guw bukan disitu^^ haha~
mana sodoara yg ketemu udah dari jaman guw masih setinggi jagung dateng juga,lagi!!
buseed..kirain otak guw dari apaaan ya?hu huh
nginget pelajaran aja mpe naek turun!!ini..disuru nginged orang!!mana bisaaa
guw kalu ga kenal" bgd,suka lupa ama ni org..lupa ma sx lupa!!hehe~~tp sok"an inged
yaaa..acaranya cross cado d..seru juga,ibu" bapak" pada ribut..dasar..kayak ngerasa masi 15thn aja
yaa..gitu deh pokoknya..natal biasa" ajaa..ya..abis tu nginep 1 hari,besoknya pulang..
jemput shiro!!XP dasar si anjing!
natal yg sekarang..yaaa lucu aja deh pokoknya,rame" nyebelin *apaaa..coba?ahaha*


Kansai Jr. - B.A.D. - Kiriyama Akito

Name : Kiriyama Akito
Nickname : Akincho, Akito
Date of Birth : 31 August 1989
Age : 16
Zodiac : Leo
Birthplace : Osaka
Blood Group : A
Height : 173 cm.
Weight : 58 kg.
Foot Size : 28 cm.

Unit : B.A.D.

Hobby : Piano
Talent : Dance
Favourite Food : Yogurts
Pet : Dog

iya ni..si akito!
ugh..guw suka dia soalnya guw suak Junta!jadi ketularaaan XD XD
aduh..matanya lucu amad ya?